All good, and as always, brilliant about Dion. Thanks.

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First tell me all these falsehoods Rene gave us? And what about the years after his death when she lied? I am sure somehow that is Rene's fault too. Maybe you should look at all the specials she did over her whole career where cameras followed her around and in her home. Do you even think that the years after his death a lot of her behavior was missing him and dealing with this unknown disease and self-medicating. She even said she didn't know who she was anymore.

She has always been open and kooky and says what she means, you are just too elitist to have seen it, till it was the cool thing to do. Rene never stifled her or prevented her from doing things. If anything, it was the likes of you and other journalists that criticized everything she did till the world finally embraced the way she is that made it seem she was not cool. Celine did not change the world did.

Maybe you should learn to be objective like a journalist is supposed to be but as long as everything wrong was Rene’s fault you cannot be taken seriously.

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